Determination of Time Since Deposition of Blood Stains


DNA analysis has revolutionized the field of Forensic Science by allowing for unambiguous identification of the person from whom a biological sample has been obtained. DNA provides a spatial link between a suspect and a crime scene or other location relative to a crime investigation. In many instances, this information is sufficient for conviction of the perpetrator of a crime. The limitation of traditional DNA, however, is that it provides no information on when the biological material was deposited. It only indicates that, some time in the past, the person visited the scene, it could have been months or years before the material was collected. Temporal linkage between the biological material and the commission of a crime is especially important in situations involving victims and suspects with close personal ties. In these instances, finding biological material from the suspect in the home or other pertinent location associated with the victim is not unexpected.The reverse can also be true, for instance

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