Crime Scene Robot and Sensor Simulation


Virtual reality has been proposed as a training regime for a large number of tasks from surgery rehearsal (cf. [Robb et al. 1996], to combat simulation (cf. [U. S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment 1994]) to assiting in basic design (cf. [Fa et al. 1992]). Virtual reality provides a novel and effective training medium for applications in which training “in the real world” is dangerous or expensive. Here we describe the C2SM simulator system – a virtual reality-based training system that provides an accurate simulation of the CBRNE Crime Scene Modeller System (see [Topol et al. 2008]). The training system provides a simulation of both the underlying robotic platform and the C2SM sensor suite, and allows training of the system to take place without physically deploying the robot or the simulation of chemical and radiological agents that might be present. This paper describes the basic structure of the C2SM simulator and the software components that were used to construct it.

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