Results of Qualitative and Online Message Testing To Support A Sexual Health Campaign

The Communications Action Group (CAG) of the National Coalition for Sexual Health (NCSH) drafted a series of messages designed to motivate individuals to take action to protect and improve their sexual health.

Specifically, these messages were designed to define and promote:

●The benefits of sexual health.

●Core action steps to achieve good sexual health.

●A simple, consumer-friendly definition of sexual health.

This report presents the findings of a qualitative exploration with the general public to examine message clarity, relevance and appeal, and to determine:

●The motivational power of six general benefit statements and 26 specific benefits of sexual health.

●Whether five draft action steps, along with supporting statements, are clear, compelling, and perceived to be important.

●The appeal of four possible definitions of sexual health.

Messages were tested with men and women, 18 years of age and older in two phases:

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