Sudden Accidental Death

This article will touch on a few of the problems we encounter in traumatic grief experienced from the sudden accidental death of a child: shock, guilt, unfinished business, lack of closure, negative attitudes or obstacles to recover, and anger. I don’t pretend to have any concrete answers for you, but hopefully, a few insights on how to cope with grief. We all grieve differently. What works for one may not work for another. We don’t want to make judgments on which kind of grief is more difficult, but sudden death is recognized as one of the most difficult to recover from because of the tremendous shock involved. It will be longer, lonelier, and more hazardous to your lasting emotional stability than if you had been able to anticipate the loss and to communicate with your child before death. One of the large differences between sudden accidental death and death by long-term illness or anticipatory death is the shock involved. It is the primary

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