Modelling Cranial Gunshot Wounds And Backspatter


Bloodspatter from gunshot wounds may be divided into two categories; forward spatter and backspatter. Forward spatter is ejected from the exit wound and travels in the same direction as the bullet. Backspatter on the other hand is ejected from the entrance wound and travels against the line of fire, back towards the shooter. This means it is commonly deposited on the hand of the shooter or the firearm, making it a critical piece of evidence when determining the manner of death. Despite this fact, research in this area is limited and no realistic synthetic model for studying backspatter has been documented in the literature. This project was initiated in response to this, in an attempt to create a realistic cranial model that could produce backspatter from a gunshot wound. A pig head model was developed, as it could be validated unlike a human model. This model consisted of synthetic skin, soft tissue...

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