The Marriage Prospects of Women Already Sealed

There is a kind of meme in the Church to the effect that women who have already been sealed to a husband in the temple, but then are widowed or divorced, have seriously diminished marriage prospects due to the fact that they are not available to be sealed to another man in the here and now.

I am curious about this. Maybe it reflects a lack of faith on my part, but I have a hard time imagining myself being swayed against interest in a particular woman for that reason. I’m not sure it would even occur to me to worry about such a thing.


1. Have any of you witnessed this phenomenon? Any stories you would like to share?

2. Assuming this is a real phenomenon, what do you think about it? Is it justified on...

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Marriage and Happiness: 18 Long-Term Studies

What happens to your happiness and satisfaction with your life in the years following a potentially major life event such as getting married or divorced or having a child or becoming unemployed? Social scientists have been doing a lot of research on that question.

What’s Wrong with Most Research on Marriage and Marital Status

More social scientists are beginning to realize what should have been obvious all along – we can’t just compare, say, people who are currently married to people who are not married, at one point in time, to understand the implications of getting married. If the currently-married people differ from the other people – in happiness, for example – we cannot conclude that they are different because they are married.

People who are married and people who are not married may differ in all sorts of other ways...

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