The Impact Of Mental Illness On The Risk Of Employment Termination.


BACKGROUND: Mental illness can adversely impact labor market outcomes in a variety of ways, through education attainment, employment possibilities, and income. However, little is known about the impact of mental illness on an individual's ability to maintain employment.

AIMS OF THE STUDY: This paper examines the impact of mental health on the risk of employment termination. We also distinguish between voluntary and involuntary employment termination.

METHODS: Using data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, we used survival analysis techniques to examine the impact of a mental illness diagnosis on the risk of employment termination and propensity score matching techniques to construct similar comparison groups. Initially, we used Cox proportional-hazards models where the event of interest was termination of employment. We then used a competing risk framework to differentiate between voluntary and involuntary employment termination. We also stratified our analysis b...


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