Abnormal Psychology What Is Abnormal Behavior

Difficulty in defining Abnormality

In this era of rapid technological advancement, you might think there would be some objective test like a blood test or a like a brain scan that could determine whether an individual is normal or abnormal? There is no such test available; however psychologists rely on signs, symptoms, and subjective criteria for deciding when the observed symptoms (signs) constitute abnormality. Four criteria for defining abnormality have been proposed. They are often called the four D's, Deviance, Distress, Dysfunction and Danger.

Deviant behavior means different extreme unusual and bizarre Distress refers to unpleasant or upsetting behavior of an individual Dysfunctional or disruptive in a way that possibly can became dangerous as well Danger of hurting one self and others

1. Deviance

a.  Deviance from the Cultural Norms b. Deviance from the Statistical Norms

a. Deviance from Cultural Norms

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