Saved Sex Loving Our Young People Enough to Tell Them the Truth

Okay, I need to understand this 'victory,'" Jeannie started in. The governor of our state had just signed legislation stripping abortion giant Planned Parenthood of about $4 million in annual taxpayer funding. "First, you do not want to teach sex-ed and provide condoms in schools. Second, you do not want to fund an organization that provides contraception to prevent pregnancy. And you do not want abortion as an option. Do you really think that more teens will practice abstinence because of this?"

A mother of three, Jeannie's approach to teens and sex is, They're going to do it anyway, so you might as well give them birth control so nobody gets pregnant. Setting aside all the loaded presumptions in her diatribe, I was left thinking, We're talking about people, here, not animals in heat. Why should we accept such a low view of them?...

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