Penetrating Abdominal Trauma

Practice Essentials Penetrating abdominal trauma typically involves the violation of the abdominal cavity by a gunshot wound (see the image below) or stab wound.

Signs and symptoms Signs and symptoms of penetrating uu trauma depends on various factors, including the type of penetrating weapon or object, the range from which the injury occurred, which organs may be injured, and the location and number of wounds.

 Close-range injuries transfer more kinetic energy than those sustained at a distance, although range is often difficult to ascertain when assessing gunshot wounds. A gunshot wound is caused by a missile propelled by combustion of powder. These wounds involve high-energy transfer and, consequently, can involve an unpredictable pattern of injuries. Secondary missiles, such as bullet and bone ragments, can inflict additional damage. Stab wounds are caused by penetration of the abdominal wall by a sharp object. This type of wound generally has a more predictable ..

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