White Privilege in Sex and Relationship Therapy

Counseling Psychology has emphasized the importance of using multicultural and social justice frameworks in psychotherapy to avoid reenacting in session the privilege and oppression dynamics that exist in larger society. People of Color have historically underutilized psychotherapy services and have higher attrition rates when they do attend therapy, even though they have been more likely to face more sources of psychological distress (Kearney, Draper, & Baron, 2005; Sue & Sue, 2008). Additionally, White therapists have been over-represented in professional and training settings (Fouad & Arredondo, 2007; Hays & Chang, 2003). Add to that the fact that therapists have been trained in and practice psychotherapy theories developed primarily by White men and you have a system of counseling that works for some and not all. Thus, White therapists could be at risk for harming their clients of Color, and possibly their White clients as well, because of the utilization of these...

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Saved Sex Loving Our Young People Enough to Tell Them the Truth

Okay, I need to understand this 'victory,'" Jeannie started in. The governor of our state had just signed legislation stripping abortion giant Planned Parenthood of about $4 million in annual taxpayer funding. "First, you do not want to teach sex-ed and provide condoms in schools. Second, you do not want to fund an organization that provides contraception to prevent pregnancy. And you do not want abortion as an option. Do you really think that more teens will practice abstinence because of this?"

A mother of three, Jeannie's approach to teens and sex is, They're going to do it anyway, so you might as well give them birth control so nobody gets pregnant. Setting aside all the loaded presumptions in her diatribe, I was left thinking, We're talking about people, here, not animals in heat. Why should we accept such a low view of them?...

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Sex, Lies, and Statistics: Inferences From the Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome


Victims of child sexual abuse often recant their complaints or do not report incidents, making prosecution of offenders difficult. The child with sexual abuse accommodation syndrome (CSAAS) has been used to explain this phenomenon by identifying common behavioral responses. Unlike PTSD but like rape trauma syndrome, CSAAS is not an official diagnostic term and should not be used as evidence of a defendant's guilt or to imply probative value in prosecutions. Courts have grappled with the ideal use of CSAAS in the evaluation of child witness testimony. Expert testimony should be helpful to the jurors without prejudicing them. The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled recently that statistical evidence about CSAAS implying the probability that a child is truthful runs the risk of confusing jury members and biasing them against the defendant. We review the parameters of expert testimony and its admissibility in this area,..

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Physical Height in Pedophilic and Hebephilic Sexual Offenders


Adult men's height reflects, not only their genetic endowment, but also the conditions that were present during their development in utero and in childhood. We compared the adult heights of men who committed one or more sexual offenses and who were erotically interested in prepubescent children (pedophilic sexual offenders; n=223), those who were erotically interested in pubescent children (hebephilic sexual offenders; n=615), and those who were erotically interested in adults (teleiophilic sexual offenders; n=187), as well as men who had no known sexual offenses and who were erotically interested in adults (teleiophilic nonoffender controls; n=156). The pedophilic and the hebephilic sexual offenders were significantly shorter than the teleiophilic nonoffender controls. The teleiophilic sexual offenders were intermediate in height between the nonoffenders and the pedophilic and hebephilic sexual offenders and not significantly different from any of the other groups. This suggests that—regardless of whatever psychological sequelae might also have followed from the conditions present during early development—pedophilic and hebephilic...

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Sexual Manifestations of Emotionally Disturbed Behavior


It is difficult to define sexual disturbance today because concepts about emotional disturbance in general and sexual disorder in particular have recently undergone signify cant changes. Sexual disorders may be seen in terms of (a) specific aberrant acts or (b) the psychological and philosophic causes that underlie such acts. It would appear to be more meaningful to define them largely in relation to the self- defeating ways in which and reasons for which an individual behaves sexually rather than in terms of the concrete behaviors he performs. When so viewed, the basic causes of sexual disorders seem to be quite the same as those of most general emotional difficulties. Societal reaction to disturbed indi viduals with sexual problems has improved in recent years but is still much too condemnatory and punitive. At the same time, some social thinkers, in a misguided effort to pre vent the persecution of sexually troubled and deviant individuals unrealistically...

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The Sexological Construction Of SexualDysfunction


In a range of modern literature on human sexuality, ’sexual dysfunctions’ are largely taken for granted as self-evident physiological impairments of normal sexual functioning. This conceptualisation increases the likelihood they will be subsumed (or remain within) the jurisdiction of sexologists. The central argument of this paper is that sexual dysfunctions are not self-evident disorders discovered through the value-neutral methods of scientific sexology but are socially constructed as problems with reference to hegemonic masculine standards and patterns of normal sexual functioning and interaction. In this account, sexology operates as an institution of social control which in promoting conformity to such standards contributes to the perpetuation of social inequality. Scientific’ sexology is a veritable Trojan horse : appearing to be modernity’s gift to mankind in its struggle for freedom and dignity, it is, in fact, just another strategy for its pacification and enslavement (Szasz, 1981, xii)...

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Pharmacological Interventions with Adult Male Sexual Offenders


The treatment of sexual offending behaviors is complex and involves multiple etiologies, individualized risk reduction and risk management needs, and heterogeneous biopsychosocial, interpersonal, and legal factors. Clinicians and researchers have attempted to identify approaches which promise the greatest success in addressing these behaviors. Findings from a meta-analysis examining the effectiveness of various treatment interventions for adult sex offenders indicated that, when used in combination with other treatment approaches, biological interventions like testosterone-lowering hormonal treatments may be linked to greater reductions in recidivism for some offenders than the use of psychosocial treatments alone (Losel and Schmucker, 2005). Other data, described below, suggest that non-hormonal psychotropic medications can also be effective supplements to standard therapeutic interventions for sex offenders as well.

This document is designed to provide an overview of key issues pertaining to the use of hormonal and non-hormonal agents to...

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Sexual Signaling at a Nightclub

Alek is a physical space where typically males of a species congregate to display sexual signals meant to impress the discerning females (see Fiske, Rintamäki, & Karvonen, 1998 for a review of such species across many taxa). Click here to see a male Greater Sage-Grouse engaging in lekking behavior. In a few rare role-reversal species, it is the females who engage in lekking behaviour as a means of attracting prospective male suitors (cf. Funk & Tallamy, 2000). In my work, I have long argued that many consumer phenomena are nothing more than forms of lekking behavior. In the human context, men and women use sex-specific products as sexual signals. For additional details see my books The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption, and The Consuming Instinct: What Juicy Burgers, Ferraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal About Human Nature; also see one of my earliest Psychology Today posts here on the use of Porsches as a lekking signal; ...

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Mating Success In Lekking Males:a Meta-Analysis

Traits that are correlated with mating success are likely to be subject to sexual selection. In lekking species, a male's mating success can be estimated as the number of females that he copulates with. Earlier reviews of sexual selection in lekking species have been inconclusive, suggesting that different traits may be important in different species. To obtain a more complete understanding of the outcome of sexual selection in this mating system, we performed a meta-analysis in which we combined the results from different studies across a wide variety of taxa. Our aim was to synthesize available information about correlates of male mating success in lekking species. We found that behavioral traits such as male display activity, aggression rate, and lek attendance were positively correlated with male mating success. Further, territory position was negatively correlated with male mating success, such that males with territories close to...

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Media Influences on Teen Sexual Behavior

American teenagers are exposed to substantial amounts of sexual content on television. Though it is widely believed that this exposure affects teens, there has been surprisingly little scientific investigation of this issue. To address this knowledge gap, RAND conducted a multi-year year study that broke new scientific ground as the first to examine whether adolescents' viewing of sexual content on television predicts their subsequent behavior and health outcomes. The study found that:

Teens who watch a lot of television with sexual content are more likely to initiate sexual intercourse in the following year (see figure). Frequent exposure to TV sexual content was associated with a significantly greater likelihood of teen pregnancy in the three years following exposure. Portraying the risks of sex in television shows appears to help educate teens about the potential consequences of sexual behavior...

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Teenage Sexual Behaviour: Attitudes Towards And Declared Sexual Activity.


Although the teenage pregnancy rates in the UK are falling in the 16 to 19 year old range, they are still rising in the 13 to 15 year olds. Overall, they remain one of the highest within Western Europe. Teenagers continue to present a challenge to the health services due to the increase in their sexual risk taking behaviour, the earlier age at which they are starting sexual activity and a reluctance to utilise services available to them. In an attempt to develop current services and make them more 'user friendly', a sexual health needs assessment was carried out on teenagers, part of which looked at their attitudes towards risk taking sexual behaviour and their declared sexual behaviour. A quantitative survey, using a questionnaire in schools, was answered by 1500 pupils aged between 13 and 18 years old, and showed ..

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Medication-Induced Sexual Dysfunction

Target Audience and Goal Statement

This activity is intended for psychiatrists, primary care physicians, psychologists, neurologists, pharmacists, and other mental health professionals.

The goal of this activity is to provide current treatment protocols and clinical strategies for the treatment and management of psychiatric disorders and to update the clinician and the researcher on the latest developments in psychiatry and mental health.

Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:

1.Distinguish among the various subtypes of bipolar disorder. 2.Review aspects of violence and some of its causes. 3.Delineate recent findings in the treatment of sexual side effects of psychotropic medications.

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Sexual Assault, Irresistible Impulses, And Forensic Psychiatry In Sweden


After forensic psychiatry was firmly established in Sweden in the 1930s, many rapists and individuals charged with assaulting children underwent a forensic psychiatric examination. The physicians found that most of them had not been “in control” of their senses or not “in complete control” of their senses at the time of the crime. If the court ordered a forensic psychiatric examination, the defendant had a very good chance of either being discharged or having his sentence reduced considerably. By the 1950s psychological perspectives began to dominate in forensic psychiatry. In the forensic records of the 1950s we can notice a shift from a biomedical to a socio-psychological perspective, and crime was increasingly related to conditions that were not seen as mental derangement from a legal point of view. As a result, it became less and less common, from the...

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Evaluation for Civil Commitment of Sex Offenders: A Survey of Experts


At this study's commencement, 17 states had enacted sex offender civil commitment legislation. Although each statute outlines broad criteria that must be met, civil commitment evaluators are given considerable latitude in how to conduct their assessment. Forty-one experts who conduct sex offender civil commitment evaluations were surveyed to identify the usual practice of these evaluators. A great deal of agreement exists across experts regarding the conduct of sex offender civil commitment evaluations. However, these patterns appear quite different from the usual practice outlined in other types of forensic evaluations. Experts in sex offender civil commitment endorsed documentation as the core method for evaluation. The majority of evaluators reported the assessment of paraphilias, substance abuse, other Axis I disorders, Axis II disorders, and psychopathy as essential to the evaluation. Virtually all survey respondents utilized actuarial risk assessment measures, primarily the Static-99, in assessing for risk of...

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Management of Retrograde Ejaculation

The goal of treatment methods for retrograde ejaculation is to restore antegrade ejaculation though medical therapy or with surgical procedures, or to retrieve sperm from the urine to be used with assisted reproduction.

Medical management aims to increase the tone of the bladder neck, preventing retrograde flow of semen into the bladder. This can be achieved either by stimulating sympathetic activity (closure of the bladder neck is under sympathetic control) or by blocking parasympathetic input (para sympathetic activity is responsible for bladder neck relaxation) (Jonas, Linzbach, & Weber, 1979; Stewart, & Bergant, 1974; Stockamp, Schreiter, & Altwein, 1974). Treatment of retrograde ejaculation includes antihistamines (brompheniramine), tricyclic antidepressants (imipramine), and other agents, including anticholinergic and adrenergic agents (Kamischke, & Nieschlage, 2002). Araja and Tabie (2008) noted in cases of males with diabetes mellitus with complete retrograde ejaculation that imipramine (25 mg twice a...u

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Drugs That May Cause Muscle Weakness Or Wasting

Muscle problems have many possible causes. Inflammation of the muscle, called myositis, causes muscle weakness and wasting. Several types of drugs are linked to the development of myositis in some people. These include some recreational drugs, antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, drugs affecting the hormonal system, drugs for cholesterol as well as heart and stomach drugs.

Recreational Drugs

Consumption of some recreational drugs is known to cause muscle problems. Alcoholic myopathy, also known as alcoholic rhabdomyolysis, is a condition in which the skeletal muscle breaks down during an alcohol binge or withdrawal from chronic use. If mild it may cause no symptoms. It can lead to muscle weakness and wasting, and if severe the proteins released from muscle break down into the blood and can damage the kidneys. A binge on cocaine can also cause muscle tissue to break down...

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