My Wife Died After Giving Birth

When Judah Schiller talks about how he met his wife, Galit, his voice gets soft. "I was 25 at the time and scuba diving in the Red Sea," the executive vice president of Saatchi & Saatchi S reminisces. "You can imagine: pillows, campfire, the beautiful water, the brown hues of the desert. I was sitting there trying to charm these two very lovely French models, and Galit sat down a few pillows away from us. She was a very pretty woman, and I could tell she was kind of eavesdropping, so I invited her to join the conversation."

The models left, and the couple watched the sun set over the Sinai Mountains, beginning a charmed courtship that resulted in their 1998 marriage. Shortly afterward, they settled in San Francisco, where their first son, Tomer, was born in 1999. In 2002, they had their daughter, Naomi....

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Long-Term Effects of the Death of a Child on Parents’ Adjustment in Midlife


The death of a child is a traumatic event that can have long-term effects on the lives of parents. This study examined bereaved parents of deceased children (infancy to age 34) and comparison parents with similar backgrounds (n = 428 per group) identified in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. An average of 18.05 years following the death, when parents were age 53, bereaved parents reported more depressive symptoms, poorer well-being, and more health problems and were more likely to have experienced a depressive episode and marital disruption than were comparison parents. Recovery from grief was associated with having a sense of life purpose and having additional children but was unrelated to the cause of death or the amount of time since the death. The results point to the need for detection and intervention to help those parents who are experiencing lasting grief...

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Why Do Men Predominately Think Death Threats Or Threats Of Violence Are Protected By Free Speech?

Firstly, it has been found that the majority of the time women make up half of internet hate mobs (gender equity at last) and can be the most vitriolic in their vile vituperations.

As for why people think death threats or threats of violence are acceptable then they probably are just ignorant of the law or don’t care.

I am not sure what the ask classes as a death threats but things like ‘I wish/think/hope/pray that you die’, you ought to be beaten up’ etc are not threats, just the (sometimes justified) expression of desire to see the recipient hurt. These comprise the majority of the cancer known as the comments section and as they do not state credible intent to commit violence or incitement to violence are protected under freedom of speech. ...

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The Forensic Nurse as a Death Investigator

In the United States, responsibility for death investigation lies with either the coroner or the medical examiner. A coroner is an elected official who, in some jurisdictions, has no specific educational requirements. A Medical Examiner is generally an appointed physician with training in forensic pathology. There are currently 11 Coroner states, 22 Medical Examiner states, and 18 states that employ some combination of both.

Every state/county has different needs and resources, and every state/county may run death investigations with a different approach. What matters is that every effort be made to ensure a thorough, accurate, and timely investigation. A faulty cause of death determination can significantly impact surviving family members, agencies responsible for planning public health policy, civil or criminal action, and even public safety.  Some deaths may occur as a result of a criminal event, but every death is a medical event....

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Choices to Make Before Death

Seriously ill people and their families may feel swept along by the fatal illness and the various treatments, as if they have no control over the events. Some people seem to prefer this sense of having no control because it relieves them of the responsibility of deciding what should be done. Other people prefer to determine all aspects of their care, sometimes even including the specifics of their funeral and burial.

Honest, open communication between patients and doctors about preferences for care at the end of life helps to ensure the best possible quality of life during a fatal illness. The doctors provide a candid assessment of the likely benefits of end-of-life treatments and their disadvantages, including effects on quality of life. People express what they do and do not want to experience. People have the chance to...

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Marriage and Happiness: 18 Long-Term Studies

What happens to your happiness and satisfaction with your life in the years following a potentially major life event such as getting married or divorced or having a child or becoming unemployed? Social scientists have been doing a lot of research on that question.

What’s Wrong with Most Research on Marriage and Marital Status

More social scientists are beginning to realize what should have been obvious all along – we can’t just compare, say, people who are currently married to people who are not married, at one point in time, to understand the implications of getting married. If the currently-married people differ from the other people – in happiness, for example – we cannot conclude that they are different because they are married.

People who are married and people who are not married may differ in all sorts of other ways...

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The Marriage Prospects of Women Already Sealed

There is a kind of meme in the Church to the effect that women who have already been sealed to a husband in the temple, but then are widowed or divorced, have seriously diminished marriage prospects due to the fact that they are not available to be sealed to another man in the here and now.

I am curious about this. Maybe it reflects a lack of faith on my part, but I have a hard time imagining myself being swayed against interest in a particular woman for that reason. I’m not sure it would even occur to me to worry about such a thing.


1. Have any of you witnessed this phenomenon? Any stories you would like to share?

2. Assuming this is a real phenomenon, what do you think about it? Is it justified on...

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Jurisdiction over Interstate Felony Murder

Suppose a felony committed in one state results in a death in another state and the alleged perpetrator is prosecuted for homicide under the felony-murder rule. The law is not settled as to which state or states may exercise jurisdiction over the crime. Only three states have confronted this issue, and the courts involved relied on differing rationales to reach disparate conclusions. Despite the narrowness of the problem posed, its resolution raises!arger questions as to the analysis appropriate for deciding questions of jurisdiction over interstate crime generally.

This comment examines current approaches to jurisdiction over interstate crime and demonstrates that their failure to provide satisfactory solutions for interstate felony murders is the result of their inadequate analyses of the state interests served by anassertion of jurisdiction. The comment will analyze...

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Death From Propofol: Accident, Suicide, Or Murder?


A 24-yr-old woman was found dead in her home from apparent propofol "toxicity." Her blood level of propofol was 4.3 microg/mL. She had no history of drug abuse and no evidence of such behavior at autopsy. The medical examiner and police investigators felt that she died from probable homicide. Attention was focused on a male registered nurse acquaintance, who had acquired propofol and other drugs in the course of his regular duties in a surgical intensive care unit. This is the first reported case of murder with propofol.

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Advertising Facilities for Murder.

What would be thought of a newspaper which had a section of its advertising columns specially devoted to giving publicity to establishments devoted to the training of juvenile thieves, to the puffing of the newest and most effective implements of burglary, and to the announcement of the whereabouts of "cracksmen" and pickpockets who wished to secure coadjutors in crime? Can it to possible that the chastity of woman and the lives of babes are of less account than a few ounces of precious metal, or a roll of greenbacks? The law watches narrowly over every attempt which imperils the safety of the latter, and utterly disregards a wide spread conspiracy against the former. Public opinion would be shocked at the coolness of- an advertisement from a professional thief, and the newspaper which admitted it would certainly be looked after by the Police. But both the public and the Police appear to be perfectly callous about the offenses of newspapers which insert the lying notices Of men and women whose profession, if it means anything at all, means; murder made...

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Libericide And Infanticide: Socio-demographic, Clinical And Criminological Characteristics

Introduction / Objective

Although it is well-known that infanticide (murder of child< 1year) is typically for young women and libericide (murder of child≥1year) for older melancholic women, comprehensive differences between these two kinds of murderers remain little-known. Our objective was to describe their demographic, clinical and criminological differences.


We collected 41 psychiatric expert examinations in criminal cases of child murder between 2000 and 2005 and compared, after sex-matching, those responsible for infanticide (n=16) and libericide (n=25).


Compared to perpetrators of infanticide, subjects responsible for libericide were older (24 and 33 respectively, p=0.012), and had a psychiatric history (35% versus 71%, p=0.005) and convictions for violence towards others (6% versus 29%, p=0.022). A the time of the crime, 77% of libericide perpetrators were suffering from a psychotic, depressive, cognitive or personality disorders while only 53% of perpetrators of infanticide were ill (p=0.024). Although...

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Psychiatric Aspects of Familicide


Various types of killings occur within family matrices. The news media highlight the dramatic components, and even novels now use it as a theme. 1 However, a psychiatric understanding remains elusive. Not all killings within a family are familicidal. For want of a better term, I have called the killing of more than one member of a family by another family member "familicide." The destruction of the family unit appears to be the goal. Such behavior comes within the category of "mass murders" where a number of victims are killed in a short period of time by one person. However, in mass murders the victims are not exclusively family members. The case of one person committing a series of homicides over an extended period of time, such as months or years, also differs from familicide. The latter can result in the perpetrator...

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A History of Union Murder and Sabotage

The raging union-led protests in Wisconsin have resulted in many Americans taking a closer, more critical look at labor unions and their political clout and influence in shaping policy. With the ubiquitous announcement from AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka that he is granted an audience at the White House “nearly every day,” the American people have become more skeptical of unions and the role that they play in the political process.

Spawning this renewed attention to organized labor are reports that Democratic politicians have been endorsing violence as a legitimate means of protest and political expression. Rep. Michael Capuano (D-Mass.) has gone as far as telling a crowd of protesters at a union rally that they should be unafraid to “get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary,” and several other protesters took Capuano’s advice to heart, as former Tea Party Republican ...

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Researching Serial Murder: Methodologial and Definitional Problems


This paper examines issues related to the definition and study of serial murder. It examines definitional issues such as the notion that serialists are male, the notion that the killings are not for profit, the claim that the killers and the victims are strangers, and the conception of the victims as powerless. It examines methodological issues such as problems with both quantitative and qualitative data, and the creation of serial killer typologies. The paper argues that reliance upon narrow definitions, questionable data gathering, and the creation of typologies based on these definitions and data distort the analysis of serial murder and serial murderers. Suggestions are made for improving the scholarly study of serial murder

The image of Jack the Ripper has captured the popular imagination for more than a century. His exploits have been the focus of innumerable films, television shows, books and newspaper features...

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Relationship Between Impulsiveness And Deviant Behavior Among Adolescents In The Classroom: Age And Sex Differences


To assess the relationship between impulsiveness and deviant behavior among 103 adolescents, taking into account their sociodemographic characteristics, the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale and a self-assessment measure with regard to disruptive and deviant behaviors which had occurred in the last 90 days were used. The results show that impulsiveness and disruptive behavior in the classroom were related to deviant behavior outside of the classroom. Therefore, age and sex explained the relationship between impulsiveness and behavior. The older adolescents and the girls showed less disruptive behaviors than the younger participants and the boys; both variables showed an interactive effect on disruptive behavior. The age at which sexual activity commenced and the number of sexual partners were also significantly related to impulsiveness and disruptive and deviant behavior. Similarly, impulsiveness was shown to have a significant relationship with disruptive and deviant behavior, and disruptive...

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Racial Composition Of Neighborhood And Fear Of Crime


A relationship between fear of crime and the racial composition of place has been widely assumed but seldom tested. Interviews conducted with a random sample of adults residing in a major state capital in the early months of 1994-at the height of a media-driven panic about violent crime-are used to test the proposition that as the percentage of blacks in one's neighborhood increases, so too will the fear of crime. We use objective and perceptual measures of racial composition, and we examine the effects of racial composition and minority status on fear of crime for black and white respondents. We distinguish between perceived safety or risk of victimization and fear, with the former used as an intervening variable in path models of fear of crime. Results show that actual racial composition has no consequence for the fear of crime when other relevant factors are controlled...

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